|Review| Start Pampering Your Hair @ Hair Color Expert

Hair Color Expert Sri P review
The place is secured with working surveillance cameras so you can see how we all feel safe enough to just leave our belongings unattended while we have our hair shampooed at the back.

I care a lot about my skin, to the extent that it prompted me to start this blog and share reviews on products I used with you. But according to my mum, I have not been giving quite the same amount of attention to my hair, which is now chest-length and demanding love. So, instead of denying and arguing with her, again, I jumped at the opportunity to try out the Korea Royal Nano Mist Treatment at Hair Colour Expert (HCE).

Hair Color Expert Sri P review

I brought my mum with me when I visited their shop because I thought her hair needed some extra care as well after the damage caused by years of dyeing and perming. We do have a regular hair stylist that we always go to when we need some hair treatment done, but we couldn't resist the price that this one is offering! For members, which you can join at just RM28.90 per year, you can enjoy the SIX perks below:

  1. One FREE Korea Royal Nano Mist treatment after you dye your hair there on the same day (only available once a year) - Free stuff? I'm sold.
  2. You can enjoy more standalone sessions of the Korea Royal Nano Mist treatment at only RM88.90 where non-member price is RM288! - I mean, look at the difference!
  3. If you decide to dye your hair for the second time in the same year, you can ask for the premium package, which brings the price of the hair treatment down to only RM68.90. - And we, are looking at a RM20 reduction from the already discounted member price of RM88.90.
  4. You also get up to 40% member discount for hair and beauty products. - More discounts.
  5. Members also enjoy advance booking privilege for every Saturday & Sunday, public holiday and eves. - Sounds perfect for working men and ladies!
  6. Last but definitely not least, a one-week warranty for mismatched colour if the colour is slightly off from your chosen colour. - I mean, who gives that?

Phew! That's a long list. Okay, I admit, I did sound a little overly-enthusiastic. But seriously, the main reason I've been delaying a good treatment for my hair until today is because of the price. Especially with GST implemented (did I mention everything is GST inclusive? No way!), prices for hair treatments are sky high. Don't you think it's rather ridiculous to pay for a RM500 hair treatment that won't even last me long? 

Okay, maybe I hadn't loved my hair enough to pay for that. But now that I can pay just RM88.90 (+RM28.90 for membership fee so RM117.80 in total) to get it smooth and silky again, please, take my money!

Now, let's get into the real business.

I booked an appointment for two at 2.15pm and we arrived earlier. Upon entering the shop, we were welcomed by the friendly staff members who then confirmed our appointment and had us seated immediately for our free consultation, which means no waiting time at all! That's very rare for local hair salons. Which is why I recommend you to book in advance because HCE is the recent hit among us Klang Valley peeps. And yes, you read that right, a consultation at a salon. 

Hair Color Expert Sri P review
An Introduction Sheet at HCE

The owner warmly greeted us and explained to us how everything works at HCE with the introduction sheet above. He also told us upfront about the price that we needed to pay for the treatment to avoid price surprise that we so often come across at some hair salons. This I like! As my mum and I are not dyeing our hair, this part proceeded more quickly and we were brought to the styling chairs to begin our hair treatment session.

According to them, the Korea Royal Nano Mist treatment can help:

-Shield against humidity and environmental toxins;
- Create healthy, strong and smooth hair;
- Make your hair easier to manage;
- Speed up blow drying time;
- Rejuvenate damaged hair;
- Reduce frizz.

So, let's see how much of that we get for our hair for only RM88.90.

First thing first, I love not having to dodge piles after piles of hair sitting on the floor like in any other regular hair salons. At HCE, they only focus on hair colouring (hence the name) and the provision of hair treatment, i.e. you can't get a haircut here. That means they are 100% devoted to making sure you get the hair colour you want! Definitely the first of its kind here in Kuala Lumpur.

Hair Color Expert Sri P review
Before they start, they brought us to the back to shampoo our hair

Hair Color Expert Sri Petaling review
They have three shampoo stations (not pictured) which enable them to serve their customers very quickly

Hair Color Expert Sri Petaling review

Hair Color Expert Sri Petaling review
Hair mask in a mixing bowl

Then, they applied this hair mask on our hair which contains collagen and honey (which is Halal as well!). Don't be startled by this bowl of goodness because this was meant for both my mum's and my hair. And seriously, I thought they were really generous with the hair mask! Look at my mum's hair below, it was all drenched in the mask, not a spot missed (and she's my model for the day!).

Hair Color Expert Sri Petaling review

korea royal nano mist hair treatment review
 Had the cape on before we were left with a machine (picture below) which pumped our hair with steam and moisture.

korea royal nano mist hair treatment review
Say hello to Mr. Steamer

korea royal nano mist hair treatment review
I'm practising Qi Gong (气功). Any the Legend of the Condor Heroes (射雕英雄传) fans here?

korea royal nano mist hair treatment review
Counting down from 15 minutes and hello there, my lens cover

best hair salon kl 2017
Look at the huge steamer cap! It was ready to be removed and yes, mum loves playing Candy Crush.

best hair salon kl 2017
Woo, look at the steam!

After steaming our hair to press in the hair mask, we were guided to the back to wash off the mask and a second treatment was applied. We were left for a few minutes at the shampoo station for the treatment essence to sink in. After that, they washed off the essence and we were brought back to our seats again to get our hair blown dry.

Here comes the long awaited before and after shots:

best hair salon kl 2017

best hair salon kl 2017

The owner had told us beforehand that the effect of the treatment would look more obvious with mummy's hair because of our different hair conditions. I really appreciate his effort to have everything explained upfront so that we know what to expect. And comparing the pictures, my mum's hair definitely looks way less frizzy and tamer after the treatment. 

It's very hard to satiate my mum when it comes to her hair. But she loved it. Not many has been able to style my mum's hair to her satisfaction but the owner of HCE nailed it, and it was at first try! She even signed up as member and plans to go back there to dye her hair once her current dye washes off. What makes me happier (I was the one who brought her with me after all) is that she got complimented for her hair when she met up with her friends the next day. 

Before on the left, after on the right

The difference might not look huge on camera, but boy does my hair feel soft. Now the question would be, how long this will last. According to the staff member, this shall last for one month and we shouldn't wash our hair both on the day of treatment and the next day. This Nano Mist treatment can be done as frequently as once a month to once every two months.

Altogether I thought it's worth it. With proper care, I have a feeling the effect of this treatment could be extended to one month and a half or even two months. With its price? I'm A-okay with that. Highly recommend you to give it a try even if you're not planning to have your hair dyed. If you are, it's even better. Join as their member and not just your hair, your wallet/purse will thank you too.

How the shop front looks like. Just look for the cute octopus logo and ye shall find it! It's also located right next to Menya Zen, a sushi restaurant.

p.s. The prices in the picture above are for hair colouring. My mum's hair is considered medium while short is for above-ear cut. You'll also be getting ammonia-free and nature-friendly hair dye!

11, Jalan Radin Bagus 3, Sri Petaling 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Show the Way

Business Days:
Monday - Sunday

Business Hours:
10:00am - 8:00pm

Phone number:
03-9544 2089
017-396 8689 (WhatsApp)

Facebook page:
Hair Color Expert @ Sri Petaling

I was invited to try out their service but we paid 100% the price for my mum's. All thoughts are mine and 100% honest and all pictures are taken by me.


  1. This hair salon looks luxurious! Both - your and your mom´s, hair look great! ❀

    ❀ Blog de la Licorne ❀

    1. I thought so too! Was attracted to their beautiful interior design :D But even though, the prices they offer are seriously super affordable. I couldn't help but dragged my mum along haha! x

  2. Wow your hair looks gorgeous, I love the look of this cute salon!

    Lauren x Huggled

    1. Thank you Lauren sweetie! It's a very cozy place to spend an afternoon :D

  3. Nice post, dear))
    Your hair looks great!

    VeraBelBlog | Zaful | Rosegal

  4. I think your hair looks amazing in the after picture, although you do have lovely hair generally! I could do with a treatment like this, my ends are always dry. I got my hair cut way too short today, and your pictures are making me miss my long hair! xx

    Velvet Blush

    1. Aww thank you so much! You've made my day haha. Also I can't wait for you to show us your new haircut!

  5. Lovely and detailed review! Going to a true salon is such a great experience, being pampered is so nice.. Both your hair and your mums look lovely!

    //teandtwosugars.blogspot.com xx

    1. Thanks a lot Georgia! We should always spend some time to pamper ourselves once in a while after working so hard for our goals! xx

  6. AAA love this post! thanks for sharing:) Do you want to support each other’s blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x


    1. Hello Hilary! Thanks! Let's support each other!

  7. Your hair looks way more shiny.


  8. This place looks amazing, and both you and your mums hair looks amazing!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    1. Thank you so much Hannah! The place does look really comfortable! x

  9. Both of your hair looks absolutely gorgeous after the treatment, I'm so impressed!


    1. Thank you Shakira! My mum'd be delighted to hear that! x

  10. It was definitely worth the visit ya! Your mum's hair and your hair looks so healthy and glowing after the treatment =)

    1. It was! Will definitely visit again when we need to dye our hair since the price is super cheap. Thank you for the kind compliment Sharon! x


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