Monthly Special: Taylor Swift - The Best Day (Appreciation)

She was still so young.

A title borrowed from the singer I love the most for the longest time of my life, Taylor Swift. I make her an idol of mine for so many reasons (stop teasing me, Sushitra) if I am to write them down one by one I would most probably have to write forever. She is strong, she never gives up, she is determined, she is confident, she writes songs, her lyrics link, she is pretty (undeniable), she connects, she loves people, she shares stories, she......

How I Planned My Trip to Taiwan 2

Click image for image source.

Speaking of Taiwan, I've never wanted to visit there at least not until a year ago. After a failed plan to travel to Turkey, my family and I had decided to make our way to Taiwan, the country I never thought I'd like.

The first impression I had of the much hated place (for no reason and this should be in past tense) was the politeness portrayed by the Taiwanese we met. One incident is when we decided not to hire a Taiwanese driver we found to travel around the island, he still politely thanked us and let us know in the best way he could that it is okay and that he doesn't mind, which I'm quite sure he should and would because we are going there for 10 days, that's a big amount of incoming cash!

But how?

ICAEW Story: Recounting Semester 1 (Sunway University College)

ICAEW sunway

I SURVIVED ONE WEEK. ONE WEEK! ONE WHOLE WEEK WITHOUT MY LAPTOP.  Hi Flintstone. I'm officially one of your time. Wanna be friends? I can teach you how to make fire.

Four weeks has flown by. The day before commencement, I moved into the hostel, Sunway Monash Residence (SMR). Just a few weeks before this, I decided to switch to Accounting (ICAEW) and have chosen Sunway for it. Heh, it was already too late for me to have a say on where to stay (dum dum was too lazy to drive). Now I walk 15-20 minutes on the canopy walk (which is worse than driving) each day to school and regret this decision of mine-but-not-really-mine.